使用 let 與 const 宣告變數/ 展開與其餘參數/ 解構賦值/ 縮寫/ 箭頭函式與傳統函式/ Template String 樣板字串
以下筆記出自六角學院課程,詳情請參➤ 六角學院-Vue 出一個電商網站
▶︎ 使用 let 與 const 宣告變數
1. var有向上提升,而let和const則無2. 同個區塊上不能重複命名3. let和const不會變成全域變數(window)let i=23;
for(let i=0; i<5; i++){ //又重新宣告了一個I,此i非彼i
console.log(i) //0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }
console.log(i) //23
These variables are block-scoped. and so this i here is a completely different variable from below one, so they happen to have the same name, but it really doesn't matter, cos they are separate variables.
var i=23;
for(var i=0; i<5; i++){ //複寫掉上面的i
console.log(i) //0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }
console.log(i) //5
These variables are not block-scoped. So they are not different variable, and so this 23 here will be overwritten and in the end, we have the final I from this counter variable here.
function driversLicence(passedTest){
let firstName; //在外部先宣告則可讀取block之值
const yearOfBirth=1990; //const必須要賦值,只宣告依然不可(const error)if(passedTest){
firstName='John'} // 這裡不能用let firstName,不然等同重新再建一個變數 console.log(firstName+yearOfBirth)}// 'John1990'
const family = {
mom: ‘老媽’,
me: ‘小明’,
sister: ‘小橙’};family.father = ‘爸爸’//物件本身是傳參考,而非傳值,裡面的東西是可以被改的
▶︎ 展開與其餘參數
- 展開語法:...將陣列中的值一個個取出來再return回去
let groupA = [‘小明’, ‘杰倫’, ‘阿姨’];
let groupB = [‘老媽’, ‘老爸’];let familyAll5 = groupA.concat(groupB) //ES5合併陣列
let familyAll6=[…groupA,…groupB] //ES6合併陣列
- 淺複製觀念 (shallow copy)
by value v.s by reference 參考文章
//淺複製 Shallow copylet groupA = [‘小明’, ‘杰倫’, ‘阿姨’];let groupB = groupA //此時AB的參考是相同的groupB.push(‘阿明’); //因此儘管是向B推入阿明,A陣列也會受影響console.log(groupA); //["小明", "杰倫", "阿姨", "阿明"]
//深複製 Deep copylet groupA = [‘小明’, ‘杰倫’, ‘阿姨’];let groupB = […groupA]; //此為新陣列,與A無關,只是將A的值一個個取出來而已groupB.push(‘阿明’);console.log(groupA); //["小明", "杰倫", "阿姨"]
- 類陣列觀念說明
let doms = document.querySelectorAll(‘li’); //此為node list,非陣列,不能使用陣列的方法let newDom=[...doms] //利用展開的方式將類陣列轉為陣列console.log(newDom); //array
- 展開&其餘參數:
// 法一:展開,將arguments在函式內部展開轉為陣列var originCash = 1000;function updateEasyCard() {
let arg = [...arguments] //arguments為類陣列的物件,需展開轉為陣列才能使用.reduce()的方法 let sum = arg.reduce(function (accumulator, currentValue) {
return accumulator + currentValue;}, 0); console.log(‘我有 ‘ + sum + ‘ 元’);}updateEasyCard(0); // 我有 1000 元
updateEasyCard(10, 50, 100, 50, 5, 1, 1, 1, 500); // 我有 718 元
_____// 法二:其餘參數:傳入的參數的量是不確定的var originCash = 1000;function updateEasyCard(...money) {
let sum = money.reduce(function (accumulator, currentValue) {
return accumulator + currentValue;}, 0); console.log('我有 ' + sum + ' 元');}updateEasyCard(0); // 我有 1000 元
updateEasyCard(10, 50, 100, 50, 5, 1, 1, 1, 500); // 我有 718 元
function moreMoney(ming,…money) {
console.log(ming,money);}moreMoney(‘小明’,100, 100, 100)
▶︎ 解構賦值
let family = [‘小明’, ‘杰倫’, ‘阿姨’, ‘老媽’, ‘老爸’];
let ming = family[0];
let jay = family[1];
let auntie = family[2];//ES6
let family = ['小明', '杰倫', '阿姨', '老媽', '老爸'];
let [ming, jay, auntie, mom, dad]=family;*左右數量不對等時
let family = ['小明', '杰倫', '阿姨', '老媽', '老爸'];
let [ming, jay, auntie]=family
console.log(ming, jay, auntie) // 小明 杰倫 阿姨*中間有跳過時
let family = ['小明', '杰倫', '阿姨', '老媽', '老爸'];
let [ming, jay, , mom, dad]=family; //跳過阿姨,以, ,隔開
console.log(ming, jay, mom, dad) //小明 杰倫 老媽 老爸
let Goku = ‘悟空’;let Ginyu = ‘基紐’;[Goku,Ginyu]=[Ginyu,Goku]console.log(Goku, Ginyu) //基紐 悟空
let str = ‘基紐特攻隊’;let [a,b,c,d,e]=str;console.log(a, b, c, d, e) //基 紐 特 攻 隊
let GinyuTeam = {
Ginyu: ‘基紐’,
Jeice: ‘吉斯’,
burter: ‘巴特’}let { Ginyu } = GinyuTeam //從物件中取出特定屬性值console.log(Ginyu) //基紐let { Ginyu:Goku } = GinyuTeam //將屬性Ginyu替換成Gokuconsole.log(Ginyu, Goku) // undefined, 基紐
let [ming = ‘小明’, jay = ‘杰倫’] = [‘阿明’] //右側鏡射至左時,jay沒有對又的直,因此第一個會被賦值,第二個會用預設ming: “阿明”
jay: “杰倫”let { family: ming = '小明' } = {}
ming: '小明'
▶︎ 縮寫
const Frieza = ‘弗利沙’const GinyuTeam = {
Ginyu: ‘基紐’,
Jeice: ‘吉斯’,
burter: ‘巴特’,}const allTeam = { //合併上述二物件,當屬性與值名稱相同時可省略
GinyuTeam }//eg: Vue.js CLI 常見情境
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App'
import router from './router'new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: '<App/>',
components: { App }});//物件函式縮寫const newTeam = { //原始物件內涵是
showPosture: function () {
console.log('我們是 基紐特戰隊')}
}const newTeam = { //縮寫,注意這是傳統函式,與箭頭函式不同
showPosture() {
console.log('我們是 基紐特戰隊')}
}//縮寫+解構賦值const GinyuTeam = {
Ginyu: {name: '基紐'},
Jeice: {name: '吉斯'},
burter: {name: '巴特'},}const newTeam = { ...GinyuTeam } //同陣列的手法,避免參考影響到GinyuTeam
newTeam.ming='小明' //newTeam加入小明且不影響GinyuTeam
▶︎ 箭頭函式與傳統函式
//沒有arguments參數避免undefined的情況,使用其餘參數const updateEasyCard = (...args)=> { let cash = 0;
console.log(args);}updateEasyCard(10, 50, 100, 50, 5, 1, 1, 1, 500);
▶︎ Template String 樣板字串
let originUl = ‘<ul>\
<li>我叫作 ‘ + people[0].name + ‘</li>\
<li>我叫作 ‘ + people[1].name + ‘</li>\
<li>我叫作 ‘ + people[2].name + ‘</li>\
let newString= `<ul>\
<li>我叫作${people[2].name}</li>\</ul>`//利用map和join再進化 //運算的地方用${}
let superNewString=