Type of Data Types/ Two Objects/ Array Constructor/ Array IndexOf/ Equivalent Numbers/ Objects and Strings/ Strings and Arrays/ Object Properties /X and Y/ Bind Method/ Withdraw From Account
21. Type of Data Types
問:console.log(typeof null);
console.log(typeof undefined);
console.log(typeof {});
console.log(typeof []);
自己的回答:null/ undefined/ Object/ Object
console.log(typeof null) = Object!
console.log(typeof null) = Object!!
console.log(typeof null) = Object!!!
console.log(typeof null) = Object!!!!
console.log(typeof null) = Object!!!!!
然後確認到底是 Array 還是 Object 的方法:
Array.isArray([]) = true
Array.isArray({}) = false
22. Two Objects
const user1 = {
name: ‘Jordan’,
age: 28 }const user2 = {
name: ‘Jordan’,
age: 28 }console.log(user1 == user2)
console.log(user1 === user2)
自己的回答:false, false ,兩個物件儘管值相同,但參考的是分別的兩記憶體,但本質上是個不同的兩個東西。
如果設定成 user2 = user 1 ,此時參考的記憶體位置相同就會 trueconst user1 = {
name: ‘Jordan’,
age: 28 }const user2 = user 1console.log(user1 == user2) //true
console.log(user1 === user2) //true
23. Array Constructor
var arr1 = []
var arr2 = new Array(50)
var arr3 = new Array(1, 2, ‘three’, 4, ‘five’)
var arr4 = new Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])console.log(‘arr1: ‘, arr1)
console.log(‘arr2: ‘, arr2)
console.log(‘arr3: ‘, arr3)
console.log(‘arr4: ‘, arr4)
自己的回答: [] 、[50](錯誤!)、[1, 2, ‘three’, 4, ‘five’]、[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
解:其他正確,但是 arr2 = new Array(50) = [ <10 empty slots>, … ]
是一個長度為 50 但裡面的元素是空的陣列。
24. Array IndexOf
問:console.log([10, 20, 30, 40, 50].indexOf(30))
console.log([{ name: ‘Pam’ }, { name: ‘Kent’ }].indexOf({ name: ‘Kent’ }))
console.log(‘hello world’.indexOf(‘o’))
console.log([[1], [2], [3], [4]].indexOf([2]))
自己的回答:因為 Array 和 Object 參考的記憶體不相同,所以會找不到會是undefined…….
方法會回傳給定元素於陣列中第一個被找到之索引,若不存在於陣列中則回傳 -1。
console.log([10, 20, 30, 40, 50].indexOf(30)) = 2console.log([{ name: ‘Pam’ }, { name: ‘Kent’ }].indexOf({ name: ‘Kent’ })) = -1console.log(‘hello world’.indexOf(‘o’)) = 4console.log([[1], [2], [3], [4]].indexOf([2])) = -1
25. Equivalent Numbers
console.log(900.9 === 300.3 * 3);
自己的回答:false,因為 JS 的 number 後面還會有非常細微的小數,因此不會全然相同。
console.log(300.3 * 3) = 900.9000000000001
1. console.log(Number((300.3 * 3).toFixed(2)));
2. console.log(Number((300.3 * 3).toPrecision(12)));
3. console.log(((300.3 * 10) * 3) / 10);
26. Objects and Strings
問:var string1 = ‘Tampa’;
var string2 = string1;string1 = ‘Venice’;console.log(string2);_____var person1 = {
name: ‘Alex’,
age: 30
}var person2 = person1;
person2.name = ‘Kyle’;console.log(person1);
自己的回答:第一題因為純值傳值直接拷貝建立新的記憶體的特性,string2 不受 string1 的影響會是 ‘Tampa’ 、第二題由於物件傳參考特性,參考相同的記憶體,person1 會受 person2 改變而改變,故為 { name: ‘Kyle’, age: 30 }。
27. Strings and Arrays
const data1 = ‘Jordan Smith’;
const data2 = [].filter.call(data1, function(elem, index) {
return index > 6});console.log(data2);
自己的回答:雖然看不太懂,但感覺是[‘S’, ’m’, ’i’, ’t’, ’h’]
[].filter 等同於 Array.prototype.filter可以運用在 string 上的 methods
only use 'read-only' methods: filter, forEach, map, some, every, etc.cannot use: push, pop, splice, shift, reverse, etc.
28. Object Properties
問:const a = {};
const b = { name: ‘b’ };
const c = { name: ‘c’ };a[b] = 200;
a[c] = 400;console.log(a[b]);
key: Object 的屬性只能是 String
解:將 b, c 帶入作為 a 的屬性時如下:a[{ name: ‘b’ }] = 200
a[{ name: ‘c’ }] = 400由於 property 只能是string,因此默認將陣列轉為 "[object object]" 的字串形式a["[object object]"] = 200 --1
a["[object object]"] = 400 --2因為都是 "[object object]" 屬性,所以 --2 覆蓋 --1
因此 console.log(a[b]),也就是 console.log(a["[object object]"]) ,答案會是 400
29. X and Y
var x = 10; function y() {
x = 100;
function x() {} }y();console.log(x);
邏輯是這樣的,函式比變數提到更上層,而在此,函式命名為 x ,可以當作在創造階段已經被當作宣告了,在 y 函式內但因為被宣告了所以不會變成全域變數!!!
經過後 hoisting 後:
var x = 10;function y() { function x() {} //函式會被比變數優先提升到上方
x = 100;
return; }y();console.log(x); // x = 10
如果今天題目改成 function j() 的話,因為 j 不是 x ,等同 x = 100 沒有宣告過,所以 x 還是會變成全域變數,這時答案就會等於 100。
經過後 hoisting 後:
var x = 10;function y() { function j() {} //函式會被比變數優先提升到上方
x = 100;
return; }y();console.log(x); // x = 100
29. Bind Method
問:Describe the bind() function method1. Describe how it works
2. Explain the parameters that it takes
3. Code out an example of how bind() is used
會建立一個新函式。該函式被呼叫時,會將 this
this.distance = 10000;const roadTrip1 = {
distance: 3000,
getDistance: function(unit, caption) {
return this.distance + unit + caption }
}const roadTrip2 = {
distance: 5000 };const getTripDistance = roadTrip1.getDistance.bind(roadTrip2, ‘km’)
//可以固定參數也很是合做柯里化的運用getTripDistance(‘ in total’);
30. Withdraw From Account
問:const account1 = {
name: ‘Jen’,
totalAmount: 5000,
deductAmount: function(amount) {
this.totalAmount -= amount;
return ‘Amount in account: ‘ + this.totalAmount }
}const account2 = {
name: ‘James’,
totalAmount: 8000 }const withdrawFromAccount = function(amount) {
return account1.deductAmount.bind(account2, amount) }console.log(withdrawFromAccount(500)())
實際帶入大致長這樣:bind 帶入的 this 會指向 account2,因此 this.totalAmount = 8000
初次代入 500 所以是 8000 - 500 = 7500
再次帶入 300 所以是 7500 - 200 = 7300function withdrawFromAccount(amount) { return function(amount) {
this.totalAmount -= amount;
return 'Amount in account: ' + this.totalAmount;
}.bind(account2, amount);}console.log(withdrawFromAccount(500)()) // 7500
console.log(withdrawFromAccount(200)()) // 7300